Sunday, June 18, 2006

Soccer Sucks

I have never quite understood this blogging business. On one hand it seems like you get the key to someone's diary and get to read about how their day was. On the other hand it seems you get the honor of getting to read someone's incessant rambling about nothing. So I am going to ramble about soccer.

I have figured out why Americans aren't that crazy about soccer. International soccer players are a bunch of girls. As soon as someone falls on the ground it is a foul. Whatsmore is you have guys that get "tripped" fall over in excruciating pain and get hauled off on a stretcher. Then all of a sudden once they get to the sidelines they are a miraculously cured from their "terrible" accident. In our game against Italy yesterday I saw more phantom falls and fouls than that scene in Mighty Ducks where Coach Bombay teaches his kids to fall down and act hurt. That is all International Soccer is. These so called world class athletes fall down and pretend to get hurt. Its even better if they do it when they are close to the goal because then they get to take their free kick nice and close. All I can say is for our team that they aren't a bunch of pansies like the rest of the world's teams. Our player that got an entire side of his face bloodied by an intentional elbow did not have to get carted off on a stretcher. But 5 Italian players did, each had the mysterious ankle injury that seems to run rampant at the international level. Our guy's face got busted up and was back in the game in two minutes. Americans don't like soccer because it is nothing more that bad acting. Even if our team won I wouldn't really care becasue that would just make us the best bad actors. Another thing that I have noticed with the referees is that everytime a player falls on the ground it is a foul. No matter if they tripped on their on accord or not. Someone fell so it must be a foul. OH no! Is that guy on the ground grasping at his ankle like it hurts? Must be a foul. Don't you dare slide into someone and hit the ball first then have the guy fall over your leg, then that is a yellow card. The guy that elbowed the US team member's face and busted it open deserved a red card. But our player that slid into a guy and hit the ball first, which of course caused the guy to fall over and grab his ankle, recieved a red card. If you make someone bleed give them a red card. If you merely are going for the ball then at worst its a foul, but if the guy falls over and pretends to be hurt tell him to suck it up and get off the ground. I for one don't want our team to be the best ankle grabbers in the world.


Rose said...

So right , so right, of course. I am still going to watch the games. The gams do remind me of "professions" wrestling....

Rose said...

Wiat, wiat, I speledded somthing rong..
The games do remind me of "professional wrestling"...
Thar yu go

gmaburka said...

Yes Sam, the beauty of blogs is that you can ramble on and others can choose to read it or not....